Friday, March 28, 2008

Indian Edubloggers Directory

OK, so I'm getting serious about this. To gather data that will back my claims (made in the previous post), or prove me wrong, I have created a wiki in an effort to compile a list of all edubloggers in India, who blog on individual blogs or group blogs/forums.

edublogger n. A person who writes entries in, adds material to, or maintains a weblog on education

So if you are an Indian edublogger i.e. a blogger in India who blogs about education -- any level, and of any kind - where you express your views/opinions on education, share experiences as teacher/educator, raise concerns about education, suggest teaching ideas and resources, head this way, please, and add your name and other relevant details (like your blog URL). Thank you!

Helpful Hints:
  • If you have not edited a wiki page before, now is as good a time as any to start. Clicking on 'edit this page' at the top of the content on a wiki page is usually a good place to start :)
  • Please read the instructions on the wiki home page as well.

  • If you don't want to go through the trouble of going to the wiki and doing the needful, please add a comment to this post, with your name, blog name, blog URL, and how long you have been actively blogging. Thanks!

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